1906 Remodelled Spacious House with Chef’s Kitchen and Spectacular Property

This home is a Seattle listing held by Coldwell Banker Bain and also listed on Redfin. Specs: 6,350 sq. ft. 5 bedrooms 3.75 bathrooms Date built: 1906 Photos This home is a Seattle listing held by Coldwell Banker Bain and also listed on Redfin. Specs: 6,350 sq. ft. 5 bedrooms 3.75 bathrooms Date built: 1906 Photos

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37 Backyard Chicken Coop Ideas (Photos and Charts)

Welcome to our gallery focusing on the colorful world of backyard chicken coop ideas. Residential chicken farming has really exploded in recent years, as people want to be both more frugal and self-sufficient. Adding to the allure is the fact that you can get into the chicken game rather easily. With a low hurdle for entry, we’re seeing an explosion in chicken coop ideas across the web, from DIY projects to store-bought items. The sizes, styles, and configurations of these setups vary wildly, but they all allow you to comfortably raise birds in your own backyard. For example, see our

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20 Beautiful Blue Kitchen Ideas (Photos)

Thanks for visiting our blue kitchen photo gallery where you can search blue kitchen design ideas. Photos Related: All kitchen designs Deep blue kitchen walls with soft purple-blue cabinets that actually look good in large kitchen Blue island and backsplash in modern kitchen See more of the above home here. Blue galley kitchen The following 2 images showcase a galley kitchen with a combination of baby blue and white cabinets by POLYStudio. Dark blue kitchen cabinets with black countertops, brushed glass cabinets and stainless steel appliances Beach style modern kitchen with royal blue and white cabinetry Green blue walls in

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9 Different Types of Wasps (plus how they’re different than bees)

Neither ant nor bee, the interesting insects that we call wasps appear to be a combination of both. Although their slender, segmented bodies, their stings, and living habitats are similar to those of bees, their pointed lower abdomen, slender waists, and legs with fewer hairs set them apart. One more important difference we must understand before we stir up the proverbial wasp’s nest: wasps can be dangerous and aggressive. Their role in the ecosystem ranges from being pollinators to predators, while their extraordinary ability to take parasitic control of pests makes them invaluable in horticulture. Their defense mechanism against threats

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4 Different Types of Popcorn Makers for Movie Night at Home

With the new season of Game of Thrones creating such a massive buzz, most GOT fans prefer watching the new episode in great peace and silence. They often also make great preparations to watch the episode like creating a comfortable seating space, connecting loud speakers to the television, and, most importantly, having big bowl of popcorn ready because where there is fun and drama, there has to be popcorn too! Not just GOT, but no movie night at home is complete without that crunchy, airy, and fluffy popcorn to much on. If you are also an avid popcorn lover, you are probably well aware of

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60 Finished Basement Ideas (Photos)

I love basements.  For me, it’s all bonus space.  Plus, it’s usually the coolest space in the house temperature-wise.  It’s also casual and for me comfortable.  While I prefer a walk-out basement with windows, I’m fine if the entire thing is submerged underground. Below is our extensive collection of basement design ideas (photos). Photos Finished basement with stunning walls a ceiling with beams. There’s a living space, a small dining and a kitchen area. Large basement family room with TV and fireplace along with cozy sofa set and carpet flooring. Small basement media room with a widescreen TV and sectional

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14 Tiny House Living Room Furniture Ideas (Photos)

Personally, I think tiny houses skimp a bit on the living room area.  I know there’s not much space to work with, but I know that I love to relax and lounge which requires comfortable furniture that’s fairly large. Your best bet is some form of built-in furniture that spans the width of one end of the house, preferably a large built-in sofa in a U-shape.  This is a very common tiny home living room layout. While some feature an armchair, most offer one continuous sofa, whether straight, l-shape or u-shape. However, there’s more to the living room in a

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